Item-level Inventory Turns Calculator (Excel Template with Video Instructions)


Calculating inventory turns for individual SKUs tells you which items are selling quickly and even more importantly, which ones are selling slowly! This is a vital inventory metric when it comes to making business decisions about which items to keep selling and which ones to stop selling.

If you’re a small business and don’t have the luxury of an inventory management system or ERP system, then this Excel template may be useful for you when it comes to assessing the performance of items you sell.

To view a demonstration of this template and how to use it, click here to see the YouTube demonstration video.

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Calculating inventory turns for individual SKUs tells you which items are selling quickly and even more importantly, which ones are selling slowly! This is a vital inventory metric when it comes to making business decisions about which items to keep selling and which ones to stop selling.

If you’re a small business and don’t have the luxury of an inventory management system or ERP system, then this Excel template may be useful for you when it comes to assessing the performance of items you sell.

To view a demonstration of this template and how to use it, click here to see the YouTube demonstration video.

Calculating inventory turns for individual SKUs tells you which items are selling quickly and even more importantly, which ones are selling slowly! This is a vital inventory metric when it comes to making business decisions about which items to keep selling and which ones to stop selling.

If you’re a small business and don’t have the luxury of an inventory management system or ERP system, then this Excel template may be useful for you when it comes to assessing the performance of items you sell.

To view a demonstration of this template and how to use it, click here to see the YouTube demonstration video.

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